VIP Coin Club

The Future of Coin Collections!

Hand-Drawn NFT Art!

NFT Art with a Twist, Coming Someday.....

The main objective of the VIP Coin Club is to give everyone what they want in life and do absolutely nothing for it! except buy some art.

Upon purchasing a coin from the VIP Coin Club collection you will become extremely attractive, develop massive muscles, have multiple partners, live in a penthouse, have a gold toilet, develop special powers, be able to fly and drive a lamborghini. This is definitely a get rich quick scheme at its finest.

Just an Artist that loves creating Art and the finer things in life.

All coins have been treated as pieces of ART! NO AI, NO bots, NO automatic (assisted) NFT creating software was used.  All coins have advanced (created by the artist) copyright protection not visible to the naked eye.  There are a Total of 1111 coins available.  

Standard Coins

There are 900 standard coins which have 1 distinct colour / shade only (or close enough to an exact match). These coins are numbered 1 to 999 and exclude all coins ending in a zero (0), these coins end at No. 999. 

Rare Coins

There are 100 rare coins which have 1 distinct colour / shade only (or close enough to an exact match) and all end in a Zero (0). These coins end at No. 1000. 

Super Rare Coins

There are 60 Super Rare coins, which have 2 distinct colours / shades  (or close enough to an exact match).  These coins are numbered 1001 to 1060 and end at No. 1060. 

Super Super Rare Coins

There are 30 Super Super Rare coins which have 3 distinct colours and/or shades (or close enough to an exact match). These coins are numbered 1061 to 1090 and end at No. 1090. 

Super Super Super Rare Coins

There are 15 Super Super Super Rare coins which have 4 distinct colours / shades (or close enough to an exact match).  These coins are numbered 1091 to 1105 and end at No. 1105. 

Super Super Super Duper Rare Coins

There are 5 Super Super Super Duper rare coins which have 5 distinct colours / shades (or close enough to an exact match).  These coins are numbered 1106 to 1110 and end at No. 1110. 

Super Super Super Super Duper Rare Coin

There is Only 1 Super Super Super Super Duper rare coin which has 7 distinct colours (or close enough to an exact match). This is a One of a kind coin.  Number 1111. 


The Dark Black Card (dark black background) which the coin is created on is not included as 1 of the colours / shades. White is included as a distinct shade / colour.   As all coins were individually created by hand, “or close enough to an exact match”, slight deviations in the individual colour, is not included as a second colour e.g. light blue and a light blue which is slightly lighter. 

Disclaimer: As Cryptocurrency and NFTs are extremely volatile, (VIP Coin Club) and any associated Companies, Persons, Businesses and/or Ambassadors do not accept any responsibility for any damages or losses, if any. Price prediction may be subject to a crypto / NFT ‘Bull Run’. All information (text / images / videos)  above is NOT financial advice, Independent Research is strongly advised. Terms and Conditions apply.